Ig Nobel Prize i Festsalen

Foredrag med Vin & Videnskab

MARC ABRAHAMS Organizer of Ig Nobel Prize, USA
SUSANNE SCHÖTZ Associate professor of phonetics, Lund University, Sweden
JONATHAN WILLIAMS Professor, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany
MARISKA KRET Professor in cognitive psychology, Leiden University, Netherlands 

"The Ig Nobel awards are arguably the highlight of the scientific calendar." — Nature

Ig Nobel-priserne omtales som et humoristisk alternativ til nobelpriserne. Hvert år ved en stor ceremoni på Harvard University i USA uddeles ti priser i kategorier såsom biologi, fysik, kemi og fysiologi/medicin. Ved ceremonien præsenteres vinderne ofte af nobelprismodtagere. Priserne gives for "exceptionelt kreativ, usandsynlig og bizar, men samtidig helt seriøs forskning".    

Efterfølgende turnerer Marc Abrahams, der har skabt Ig Nobel Prizes og altid er ceremonimester ved prisoverrækkelserne, med et udvalg af de seneste års prisvindere. Nu får vi det yderst underholdende og samtidig tankevækkende arrangement til København.

På denne aften i Festsalen på Frue Plads vil Marc Abrahams fortælle om Ig Nobel Prize-konceptet, om prisoverrækkelsesceremonien på Harvard University og om nogle af de mest bemærkelsesværdige nylige prismodtagere. Herefter vil tre prismodtagere præsentere forskningen, de er blevet hædret for.

Til arrangementet serveres et glas vin i pausen (inkluderet i prisen).

NB: Alle foredrag vil være på engelsk.


Marc Abrahams

Founder of Ig Nobel Prizes

Originator and master of ceremonies of the annual Ig Nobel Prize celebration, USA

Introduction to the Ig Nobel Prizes, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research “which neither can or should be repeated”.


Susanne Schötz

Winner 2021

Associate professor of phonetics, Lund University, Sweden

Won The Ig Nobel Biology Prize in 2021 for analyzing variations in purring, chirping, chattering, trilling, tweedling, murmuring, meowing, moaning, squeaking, hissing, yowling, howling, growling, and other modes of cat–human communication. 


Jonathan Williams

Winner 2021

Dr. and professor of chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany

Won The Ig Nobel Chemistry Prize in 2021 for chemically analyzing the air inside movie theaters, to test whether the odors produced by an audience reliably indicate the levels of violence, sex, antisocial behavior, drug use, and bad language in the movie the audience is watching. 


Mariska Kret

Winner 2022

Professor of cognitive psychology, Department of Psychology, Leiden University, Netherlands

Were awarded The Ig Nobel Applied Cardiology Prize in 2022 together with Eliska Prochazkova for seeking and finding evidence that when new romantic partners meet for the first time, and feel attracted to each other, their heart rates synchronize.